Saturday, July 10, 2010

Vanity Street Markers

   I'm a regular commuter. Every morning, I play tag with buses and FX taxies. I seldom drive to work. As I traverse the stretch of Commonwealth Ave. in Quezon City, I never fail to notice the throngs of other commuters, billboards, etc. But the ones that make me want to vomit are the vanity street markers. These "Welcome" signs are practically littered with the names of politicians. With all their names in every side, you have to sort out the name of the street or barangay that the marker is intended to identify. Reminds me of my favorite word-search game.

   In one "Welcome" sign near Nissan Commonwealth, there's the huge name of this "Honorable". Makes me think if the place is really welcoming visitors or this honorable. The size of the text bearing his name is bigger than that of the Barangay. What a way to flaunt his vanity.

   On the other hand, whenever I travel somewhere way down south, I pass by this public school. As I look at the name of the school, this vanity signage obstructs my view and attention. It states "Honorable-type of Building." The size of this text is bigger than the name of the school! This politician is not an architect nor has ever contributed in the development of Philippine architecture. The only time I see the names of architects in a building is during its construction. One thing is for sure, this vanity signage will always be the star no matter what the season may be.

   If vanity car plates can be regulated, I wish there will also be an ordinance banning or at least regulating the construction of vanity street markers. Names of policians should not appear in these markers. Their names cheapen the marker and destroy the sanctity of the place. It's just a my wishful thinking. No politician will surely propose that ordinance unless he/she is an idealist neophyte. Reminds me of the saying (something like), "theft is not a crime among thieves."

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